Monday, May 11, 2015

4/27-5/8 Wheel Ends

These last two weeks we began focusing on wheel ends and all the nitty gritty that comes with that. We learned the importance of accuracy in torque specifications as we listened to many stories of not only wheels falling off, but breaks failing as well as S cam assemblies falling apart. The most interesting wheel end we worked on was brakes off of a front end heavy duty Cat loader. It had internal hydraulic dis brakes. Unfortunately, the steps to get to these brakes required us to remove components off of the axle that weighed more than Thor's hammer which required us to use the shop crane and some rigging to move. I learned a great deal and gained a base knowledge of wheel ends and air brakes that I believe I will be able to build upon and further as my career progresses.

BTC Hours: 24
Total Running Hours: 216.5

Cat loader axle

 Me and Cody did a little custom work to the shops hand truck, gave it larger hard plastic wheels that would not fit on the old rod so we welded on a longer piece.

 Taking the S cam and components apart

Checking inner drum diameter 

Some disc brakes off of the freightliner

One of the final projects of last week.

1 comment:

  1. Rigging, blocking, lifting...all part of a good brake job. (-;
