Monday, February 22, 2016

Week 4 (1/25-29) Butterfly Valve Replacement

Back at the end of January, we were told that the handle for the bottom load valve on one of the fueling trucks felt "too loose" and appeared to be leaking. Upon further investigation we found that the handle was swinging freely not attached to anything internally. After isolating the bottom load piping we proceeded to tear into the valve. Unfortunately, I did not take much pictures due to the fact that we were dealing with quite an amount of jet fuel and the replacement of the valve was time sensitive. The Wet-R-Dri Valve we replaced was the detent model, difference being is that one of them has spring loaded bearing that will lock the valve in either position and can be adjusted to completely lock out the valve. The valve had been forced the wrong direction causing the valve to break loose from it's home and becoming lodged further up the pipe.

Not a very exciting post I know, but trying to remember to put down what I am doing to take pictures of it has been a bit of a struggle.

Hours for the week: 40
Running Total: 160

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