Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Week 6 8/10-14

Not much to report on last week. More pictures of bad fuel in rigs. This is the result of poor fuel sources and possibly bigger problems at our fuel farm at the airport. The drip pan you see is JUST diesel from two fuel filters on a belt loader at the airport. Pretty nasty, eh? Test your fuels and record your PM's for the next crew to avoid this contamination.

Document document document.

Hours: 30

Running total:185.25


  1. Deep down I know you know this, but you need to stop this fuel problem. Half attempts will not solve it. |-:

    Let me know how it works out.

    1. I am well aware this is no small problem and it should be corrected. However, the situation is not as simple as it would appear. This equipment is owned by a company that does not care about the condition of the fuel they use. It is supplied by the Port of Bellingham and no one seems to know who is responsible for the quality of the diesel. I have heard rumors from other airport employees that they do not service/maintain this tank unless it ceases to operate. The phone number given to me by my boss to ask who, if anyone, maintains the quality of this fuel gives me a voicemail that is full. In addition to this I discovered that some of the aircraft mechanics on night shift are draining the sump tanks on the aircraft (a required service) and rather than following protocol and disposing of the waste fuel on the other side of the airport they are dumping it into the equipment on the strip. Apparently the drive down there would interfere with nap time. These are the kind of obstacles my co worker and I are up against. It is going to be awhile to remedy the fuel situation.
