Tuesday, June 16, 2015

6/8-6/12 Clutch adjustments

This past week we were shown how to properly adjust a clutch. There are two methods common to adjusting a clutch:
Removing the lockstrap and adjusting the adjusting ring with the proper tool
Using the Kwik-Adjust mechanism
The Kwik-Adjust is becoming more common and is much easier to service.
Some clutches are self adjusting and only require visual inspection of the wear indicator found on the cover.

(Pictures Will Be Added As Soon As I Get Them From Classmate)

Now, this is all fine and dandy, however, I am a visual person and have always had trouble figuring out how a clutch even WORKED. I got the concept, I just could not picture it for the life of me. Luckily, a nice person on YouTube decided to create and animation showing how a clutch worked in great detail. I would highly advise taking a look. He also has many other helpful animation videos explaining other features such as how does an automatic transmission work.


BTC hours: 20
Total: 321.5 hrs

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