Sunday, July 12, 2015

Week One

Started a new job working for Bellingham Aviation Services LLC at the airport. My company is contracted with Allegiant Air to perform quarterly maintenance on their equipment used at the airport such as Tug tractors, catering trucks, belt loaders, ground power units, push back tractors, etc.

One thing I learned that stood out to me and was out of the norm was loading the ground power units (GPU). These pieces of equipment are power sources for the airplanes while they are powered down at the airport. However, these large generators do not get used to their maximum potential and therefore can develop harmful build up inside of the engine.

So to prevent this from happening we will attatch the GPU to what is essentially a giant resistor and then loads the GPU and causes it to run at its maximum capacity and helps the engine burn off this build up. Basically, it's almost like switching to a "'re-gen" mode on a modern truck.

Hours this week: 32
Running total: 60

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