Sunday, January 10, 2016

Week 1 (1/4-8) Axle Nut Removal "Tool"

This first week we had a piece of equipment in for a routine PM. We lifted the front end and checked for play in the front wheels and found quite a bit of slop. After removing the wheel and cap we found an axle nut that was 2 1/2" in diameter. We did not have the right tool to remove it, but we decided to look around the shop before we gave up and drove to Napa to buy the socket. We found an old steel seat bracket in the "bone bucket" and decided to grab the angle grinder and the almighty welder. We came up with the most simple yet effective design, made our measurements, ground down the edges, and it worked perfectly. Yes, it does have the appearance of roadkill, but it got the job done in half the time of driving to Napa and costed the shop practically nothing. 

In the end we found the bearing was shot as the seal had been compromised and the water damage was too severe.

Scrap metal should never just be tossed. It can be very useful 
Ain't it pretty? 

Some hi-tech shenanigans.

Shop Hours: 40
Total for Fall Quarter: 40

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