Monday, January 25, 2016

Week 2 (1/11-15) Fuel Level Sending Unit

We had a complaint of a fuel gauge not working appropriately on one of our pieces of equipment at the airport. Once we got it into the shop I grabbed the shops trusty multi-meter. We had an appropriate supply to the sending unit as well as a sufficient ground. I then started the task of removing the sending unit to investigate it further. It was simply a variable resistor attached to an arm with a flotation device on the end. I hooked up the test leads to the sending unit to find that the resistor was working properly; you could even watch the fuel gauge rise and fall correctly by moving the arm. I realized that the sending unit was not installed properly, the arm rubbing on the baffle inside of the tank and had gotten stuck this time around. So, after making a few adjustments to the mounting bracket, the gauge works just fine now. 

Hours for the week: 40
Running total for Winter: 80

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