Monday, January 26, 2015

Radiator Replacement (1/29-1/23)

Highlight of this week was probably the removal of a radiator out of NWFD's '87 Chevy suburban. It's a back up rig, very rarely used so it sits unused for long periods of time. While conducting its annual inspection and maintenance, my supervisor and I noticed a great deal of coolant on the front of the engine block. We concluded that the radiator had finally gone south on the ol' girl and needed replacing. Due to a new exhaust system going in at one of the other stations in the district, I was left unsupervised in the shop to complete the tune up and radiator replacement on the suburban. Fortunately, the shop is still standing. I learned the basics about removing and then re-installing a radiator, it was a lot easier than I expected it to be.

Old radiator

 I also replaced the inner tie rod, adjusting sleeve and outer tie rod. This required me to learn how to properly adjust this entire assembly. After many failed attempts and test drives, I finaly managed to get it right.

Hours: 20
Total: 56

1 comment:

  1. That drag link is a high wear item. All the steering goes through it.

    We'll be doing a lot of steering suspension and alignment next quarter. Now that you have done some of the work you'll appreciate the alignment portion I suspect.
