Tuesday, February 3, 2015

1/26-1/30 Cutting Torches

This last week we learned a valuable skill, using an acetylene torch for cutting 3/8th steel. This was part of our wrench assignment. Using nothing but a cutting torch, hacksaw, and files, we were instructed to craft a 2" wrench with an allowance of .014th of an inch. The acetylene for the torch must be properly mixed with oxygen for an effective cut. We were provided with sources to find what tip we needed for the torch as well as the fuel to oxygen mixture for the 3/8th steel we would be cutting.

Cutting 3/8th steel with a 0 size head with the O2 at 25/30 and gas at 3/5

1 comment:

  1. Nice inclusion of the chart.

    So was this posted for the 02/02 blog? You might put that date so it does not confuse the old guy. (;
